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Coming Soon


A coming together of our social sector for social good across Dumfries and Galloway

Visualise a network of collaborations, involving large to small organisations and groups, united around addressing challenges, seizing opportunities and making best use of our collective power. Shared voices, experiences and ideas to create community wellbeing.

The Collabs

‘Collabs’ are shared spaces of interest, influence, resources and support. They can be managed remotely with tech, a series of regular online meetings to coordinate resources, or a more formal hybrid space for development of concepts and practice.

Communities of interest and shared purpose, based on what the sector and communities decide

Shared sector spaces that can respond to local structures and priorities.



Bringing the sector together around shared purpose


Addressing local and community needs in a collective way


Eliminating unnecessary competition


Attracting investment in what works


Better learning and insights


Supporting each other, big and small.

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